Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Time to Think

Hello friends,

What gives you peace? Some people like to go into their bedroom, find the perfect book, close the door to all and sundry, prop up against fluffy pillows, turn on a lamp and read.

Others like to go for a walk, or a run. Still others find their peace in their favorite chair with their favorite drink. My husband likes to go downstairs and stand outside, looking up at the night sky, and just think. Let go of the day. Let go of things that you have no power to change. Pray. Even if you don't believe.

I had a vision about prayer one time. We almost lost one of our daughters. Miraculously she pulled through two landmark surgeries. In the vision I saw a multitude of people praying for my girl, and musical notes were floating up to heaven in colors of red, blue, yellow, and rose. I could see them in my mind's eye, and all of a sudden I realized what prayer means to God. When we pray to Him, asking, pleading, explaining, agreeing, doubting, but not retreating, He hears music. I believe that prayer is the music of the heart.

My most peaceful places are in numbers of three: (1) encircled in my husband's arms, alone; (2) laying on the bed with my girls, my husband, and our dogs, just watching a DVD of our favorite show, commercial free, and (3) alone with God in my garden. Oh how I love to talk to Him in my garden.

In my garden, alone with God, I can feel his sheltering arms around me. I can see his breath in the crispy night air, as the mist rises from the valley below. I see Him in every perfect flower. And I see His mercy in every twig that grows up into a tree. With me, my relationship with God is deeply personal, and those moments alone are the best part of my day.

A time to think. What does that mean? According to the Family Word Finder, to think means: to use one's mind; to reason; to reflect; to deliberate; to ponder; to contemplate; to plan.

In my garden, to think means to let go and let God. This is not easy for me, in times of crisis, such as we are in right now, in the U.S. I have such a great list of suggestions for God, and I usually go through a struggle, as I try to surrender, and yet hold on to what I think would be the perfect solution. For some reason, God puts up with me in those times. And when I don't have any suggestions, I simply have to surrender, and it is then that He dries my tears.

So, now, wherever you are in your life, you might find it possible, to seek that place alone with your thoughts, and I hope, alone with God. Focus on what really matters. Think about the people in your life, who are most precious to you. Money is not precious; houses are not precious; even jobs (that are necessary) are not precious, but your loved ones are. Your peace of mind is; honor is; truth is; and of course, peace.

Heavenly Father, for those believers who call out to You, and for those who don't, I entreat You to hear their prayers. We are not perfect, Lord. So forgive us when we stumble. Protect us from the greed that has crippled our nation and that has taken the bread from our children. Guide us in the days ahead, and raise up honest leaders to lead us into tomorrow. May You guarantee our children's future, and may you grant them peace in the turmoils of their lives. Forever may we stand in the light of Your grace. Grant us, oh Lord, the peace that only You can give...the peace that passes all understanding. Peace of heart, peace of soul, and peace within our homes.

With love,
Jaye Lewis

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