A Time of Sorrow
Hello friends,
There is an empty place in our family...the loss of an old, dear friend. Her face and sweet spirit brought us through fifteen years of joy and sorrow. Always there to listen, never to judge, simply loving with an unconditional acceptance...that was Morgan, our daughter's adorable Standard Schnauzer. Wasn't it just yesterday that she was so small? Wasn't it just moments ago that she was running through fields, splashing in the river, and rolling in garbage? Such simple things that precious dogs do. I will miss her.
We cradled her as a puppy and carried her through middle age. Then, we cared for her, unconditionally, just as she did for us, in her frail old age. When her memory faltered and disappeared, we still found a reason to celebrate her life. Finally, she was in the dark, unknowing, and in constant pain. Her breathing came in gasps, and her understanding disappeared. And, then came that awful day, when we had to admit that we loved her enough to say good-by. We had to make the decision that no pet lover ever wants to make; yet we let her go with dignity, knowing that she would soon walk with God in the gardens of heaven.
Yes, I believe that Morgan lives on, running and barking in the fields of God. She has earned it, this little dog, who never met a stranger. Who never gave anything but love. Our other dogs know. They just know, and you can see the loss in their eyes. Our house is quiet today, and it feels as though there is a gaping hole where once was our loyal dog Morgan.
Through sunshine and shadow, Morgan loved our Jenny, and never left her side willingly. But we could not hold on, not really, if we loved her more than we loved ourselves. So, we let her go, peacefully for her, yet with raw emotion for us.
Good-by, Morgan. May we never forget that the Savior of the universe told us, not a sparrow falls to the ground that our Father in heaven does not know. I am certain that He knows you.
I believe that the God who has told us: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has been imagined by any man, all of the wonderful things that God has in store for those who love Him...must have been thinking of you. So, rest well, my love...stay sweet...run and play, and wait for us, just as you always have.
Father in heaven, thank You for Morgan and her sweet spirit. Keep her in Your care, and grant us the grace to find peace in Your love.
With love,
Jaye Lewis